Celebrating 50 Golden Years
of Hand Surgery in India

Prof. B Jagannath Kamath - Ideas & Innovation Award

Prof. B Jagannath Kamath left us on 28th September 2023. He will always be remembered for his passion for innovation and research. His innovations in surgical instruments and implants not only made them affordable but also more efficient.

His legacy lives on through a number of Hand surgeons he mentored as a teacher at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India.

An award in his honour- "Prof. B Jagannath Kamath - Ideas & Innovation Award", is being instituted from the year 2024 onwards.

This award will be given to the best innovation in the field of Hand surgery every year. The award will carry a certificate, cash prize & opportunity to present the innovation at ISSHCON. The process of award selection is outlined here

The award will be funded by the interest generated from the corpus earmarked for this purpose, built from contribution by ISSH members or anyone who wishes to donate.

The process of donation is quick, simple & completely online.

Every contribution will help the award grow and make it perpetual!

Let us do our best to remember this humble and compassionate soul who would always greet everyone with a broad smile and who dedicated his life to hand surgery.